We don’t sit in meditation to become good meditators. We sit in meditation so that we’ll be more awake in our lives.
At the end of 2019, I reflected on the quality I would like to approach the new year with and what immediately surfaced was Curiosity. A gentle curiosity, with no expectation, that would have me ask more questions, listen mindfully, and open my mind and heart so that I may be surprised by a particular situation, others and even myself.It takes tremendous courage to bring a curiosity grounded in kindness and non-judgment. Gentle Curiosity, in itself has no expectation of reaching a conclusion. It allows for observation and an open hearted awareness. It allows us to view things from a different perspective, and creates the space for deeper connections with ourselves and each other. It creates an openness in our relationships with ourselves and others that allows an unfolding, perhaps leading onto unexpected paths.
Gentle Curiosity, is also an essential quality to ground our practice of yoga, especially meditation. Meditation is not about clearing the mind of all thoughts, or becoming a calmer person. It is a process of getting to know our true selves, of befriending who we are at each moment no matter what that might look or feel like. Of creating the space to get to know our true nature. If we can approach meditation as a unique experience with no presupposed purpose, we can release expectations and free ourselves to be exactly where we are at that moment. Even when the thoughts are a constant chatter, we can simply say to ourselves, “Ah, thoughts”, then let them go. When feelings or discomfort arise, we can say to ourselves, “Ah, feelings” without engaging, and let them go. And, if we find ourselves analyzing, then allowing our curious nature to notice, “Ah, analyzing”, then let it go.When we sit to meditate, we can remind ourselves of the gentle curious inherent quality we all possess, we can bring a lightness and playfulness to our meditation practice. We can approach each time with an openness that allows for a fresh experience.
With gratitude,
The Sacred Mat
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